I have to say, you're a brave woman buying into a hotel in a non-english speaking country. Or in ANY country for that matter! I don't know if I could be responsible for something so big! Living in Jamaica was difficult but at least they spoke English, as broken and slang as it was!

Reading the part where you were a little uncomfortable being "waited on" brought back memories of a couple of villas I had to review that came with butlers lol. I, too, had a huge problem with people at my service all the time. I've got a story coming in the future about my experiences trying to normalize butler service 😁

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Thanks Kristi! Wait till I tell about trying to figure out payroll conversions and reporting monthly workers comp /social security equivalent. 😜

Can’t wait for your butler story! Pura vida

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Oooh man hahaha. I'm so glad I found your publication 😁

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and I, yours!

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Sep 17Liked by Marlo Leaman

β€œtoalla is the word for feminine napkin” this made me laugh out loud πŸ˜… my spanish is very basic.

Currently learning a bit of Vietnamese and wow it’s so tricky, the same word for so many completely different things!

Magic housekeeping fairies sounds great haha!

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Vietnamese! Wow-I think that would be a hard language to learn! Learning a language is so interesting! Glad you're reading!!

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I can’t wait to read more about those exciting/ challenging years. You and Mark have some real amazing experiences. Your readers are in for a real treat.

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Very brave indeed, and w/out really knowing the language. But sounds like you're survivors, so kudos to you!

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Thanks Jeanine-I'm sure you understand also! Sometimes it felt like we were barely surviving but yes-made it to the other side!

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