There's almost too many things to comment on in this one.

Your garden was AMAZING!!! I soooo wish we could do it like that at home, hey? Like Chicago, our Canadian season is sadly so short. I've grown tomatoes and the flavors are incredible compared to store bought.

Also...your sunsets. This paragraph: "Almost every night, I made it a point to be in the common area to watch each night’s sunset. They were the same, but different."

That was exactly me living in Jamaica as well. I had to drive 20 mins to the beach to see it go down but I did it nearly every evening. I miss those quiet moments the most ❤️

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Thanks Kristi! Those sunsets are certainly a gift and bring serene peace, right?!!, 🌅

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There is no such thing as ordinary

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I love that! Absolutely true!! Thanks

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THIS IS SOOOO GREAT! I love all the topics you squeezed in here, and they spoke to me. I love how you GET THINGS DONE. Want a garden in an urban area? Go to Home Depot and get it done! Want to savor the moment? Be grateful the beautiful life you have. THAT YOGA PLATFORM is TO DIE FOR! OMG. I wish I had been there with you, but of course, we didn't know each other. Thanks for a great read. Sorry it took me so long to catch up on my Substack posts.

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Thanks Ilona!

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Aug 6Liked by Marlo Leaman

"Here Comes the Sun"

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Or there goes the sun (set!)

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Aug 6Liked by Marlo Leaman

The sunset pictures are beautiful. Maybe other locations don’t match the natural beauty of that place. But no matter where we are, we can always say tranquila, and it will be true in some sense or another.

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Thank you Tim! Absolutely correct, we can always have a tranquila moment. I learned from this and had other situations where a 'tranquila' was needed and helped me to pause and appreciate the ordinary! Thanks for reading!

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Aug 8Liked by Marlo Leaman

What a beautiful testament of gratitude and love for all creation and the peace it can instill in us if we take the time to notice and appreciate it. Marlo your words and beautiful pictures are inspiring. I love you ❤️

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All the yes's about this article, dear Marlo! Your Costa Rican yoga deck looks like a decadent refuge and I aspire to create one for myself here in Jamaica one day. I love how you talk about finding magic in the mundane and cultivating joy in your current physical location will still having reverence for your Costa Rican experience. The Pura Vida life is also here in Jamaica in its own unique form and I can't imagine allowing myself to return to a rushed life in any form! There are still times when I have to remind myself to slow down in my inner world...such a practice and worth the effort. I'd love to meet you in person one day over a cup of coffee and chat about life and slow living...what a gift that would be! Until then, a deep bow and a lotus for you 🙏🪷

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Deanna, oh how I miss that yoga deck, but thank you for your kind words! Namaste to you as well, and coffee at some future date for sure! Pura vida

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Love the photos, Marlo, and that you seized the moment and planted your garden! Raised beds are great. And like your Q&A to yourself--"Did it change me?" And of course, your answers were always yes--b/c how could living in that wild and beautiful country not? And owning a hotel? How could it not? And learning to adapt to the intricacies and otherness of life in a foreign land not? And also, that no doubt you were indelibly transformed by it - Yes! Love your journey.

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So many thanks Jeanine! And don't you know it-the 'change you' for your journey as well. Well, life's journeys are certainly an adventure! Pura vida.

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