Apr 2Liked by Marlo Leaman

Great story. What a horrible way to start a hotel. The problems just kept coming and coming .

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Oh my god....the worst in HISTORY and you just happened to buy the hotel right before that. Man, what an experience. I kept reading on pins and needles waiting to see if you had insurance. Thank goodness!!!! Tropical storms are no joke!

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What timing, right?!

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Oh man Marlo. The dreaded Super hurricane. How horrible, and that it was right on the cusp of the sale of your US house and moments before you hunkered down into new territory, Costa Rica. So glad you had insurance! I am sure it took ages to rebuild, but what a blessing for those funds. I anxiously await your next installment! Pura vida.

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Dread exactly! The insurance as helpful for sure-covered loss of units but not loss of business but still! We were most grateful that no one was hurt-that would've been a completely different story. I'll get to the rebuild soon, but we pushed the envelope on the rebuild (and what became a total remodel of most everything) because we needed to get back to business asap! Pura vida.

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Understood! What was the name of the area or town of your hotel? And I forgot the hotel name. A friend travels to CR and loves it and I’m turning her on to your SubS.

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Thanks for the rec! We were in the Southern Zone on the Pacific side of Costa Rica an hour south of Manuel Antonio.

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My pleasure. I'm sure she'll love your adventures! And thanks for the add'l info too!

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OMG! Talk about Murphy's Law times 1,000. I see a book and a movie in your future. Who would you like to play you?

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Thanks Ilona! haha, I'd have to think about that!

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